M.D. Pest Control

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Bee and Wasp Sting Treatment

The two greatest risks from most insect stings are allergic reaction (which occasionally, in some individuals could be fatal) and infection (more common and less serious).

What to do if you are stung:

If you have been stung by a bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket, follow these instructions closely:

  • Bees leave behind a stinger attached to a venom sac. Do not try to pull it out as this may release more venom; instead gently scrape it out with a blunt-edged object, such as a credit card or dull knife.
  • Wash the area carefully with soap and water. This should be continued several times a day until the skin is healed. •Apply a cold or ice pack, wrapped in cloth for a few minutes.
  • Apply a paste of baking soda and water and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Take acetaminophen for pain.

Other remedies for pain and itching may include:

  • dabbing on a tiny amount of household ammonia. Over-the-counter products which contain ammonia are also available for insect stings.
  • taking an over-the-counter antihistamine, if approved by your physician. Be sure to follow dosage instructions for children.

When to seek medical attention:

Seek immediate medical attention if you are stung in the mouth or nose as swelling may block airways. Also seek emergency care if any of the following symptoms are present, as these could indicate an allergic reaction:

  • large areas of swelling
  • abnormal breathing
  • tightness in throat or chestdizziness
  •  hives
  • fainting
  • nausea or vomiting
  • persistent pain or swelling